Saturday, May 12, 2012

Kate Middleton Is Not The Only One To Debut The Up-Do Over The Weekend!

As they say, there is first time or everything!! Today is the first time for my top knot hair bun! Seriously, I have NEVER made a high bun like this before! Reason - my hair never stay in place neatly in a top knot, and I absolutely hate using strong-hold sprays or poking my scalp with hundreds of pins! I never found a way to keep my hair up high like this without the pins or the chemicals - until I met very stylish, talented and gorgeous Lindsey at Nina Shoes Fall 2012 preview! She had this amazingly chic hair up-do and I totally fell in love with it! Lindsey was so very sweet to share her sock-bun video tutorial with me (you can see it on her Facebook page) and here I am, hair up and all:-) I am also linking this post to Monday Mingle link up, hope to see you there!
Ain't I the wardrobe preserver! This dress has been gracing my closet since 2003, yes siree!!

So What do you think of my up-do? Thumbs up or down?
For daily dose of style delights connect with me on - 
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And if you haven't entered giveaway, enter now, it is open INTERNATIONALLY!
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