Monday, January 2, 2012

What I want in 2012 - Top 5 On My Wishlist

(OK, Dream Wish List!) Just like January resolutions, I have a list of "I want" for 2012! Some of the things on my list are absolutely achievable, some not so much - but that's why I am calling it my dream list! And a girl surely can dream, can't she? Here is what I want in 2012-

1. To raid Kate's wardrobe

My regular readers must know by now that I am totally in love with Kate Middleton aka Duchess Of Cambridge's style! Is there anything she can't make look good and classy!  If not really 'raiding', I would love to emulate her wardrobe with sheaths, blazers, pencil skirts and ladylike pumps!

2. To copy Jennifer Aniston's workout routine

Toned arms, flat abs and overall healthy body! No wonder majority of Fitness magazine readers say they would like to have Jen as their workout buddy!

3. To travel in Miranda Kerr's style

Now this is one supermodel who always travels like she is on the runway! Her chic style on the airports in 2011 is a trend in itself!

4. To have Alton Brown's kitchen/pantry

If anybody can make cooking look absolutely fun- it is Alton Brown! He is the supercool professor we wish to have in every classroom! Good Eats inspires me to learn more about ingredients and cooking styles.

5. To (all) Kardashians to go away 
Need I say more? Enough is enough!

Well, 4 out of these 5 still seem possible!

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