Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oprah's India Visit 2012

Yes, We can see Ms Winfrey is excited to visit India for the FIRST TIME!! I would say - about time Oprah! You are in for some really inspirational, amazing, colorful, chaotic, heartbreaking, hilarious stories which you will find only in India!! Will be tuning in for the details of your adventures from incredible India! And your unique perspective about the things you will see and experience there.
Oprah Winfrey will be shooting portion of her new show 'Oprah's Next Chapter'  in Jaipur, India where she will be interviewing well known author and mind-body healing pioneer Deepak Chopra! How do you say "Nirvana" in Hindi? Right, you say - Nirvana!!

Oprah @ Taj Mahal, Agra, India
Image via 

Images Via NDTV India

PS.  Ms Winfrey, can you please bring my mom's home made besan laddoo (those of you not familiar with it, please google!), I am sure you have space in your luggage somewhere:-)

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