I have a secret to share - On a boring day, I watched the movie Showgirls on TV! There, I said it! I usually have high standards for my entertainment, but it was the time when I was not a mom, and had a lot of free time on my hands! (Needless to say, that day I wasted the 'free' time!) The only thing I remember form that movie is when the wannabe showgirl says 'she got a ver-sayce dress'! That scene reminds me of countless number of times when people butcher the designer names. And I have to admit, growing up in a non-fashionable city in India, I didn't know the correct pronounciations of the many of the big (French sounding) brands! I overcame my ignorance by seraching/reading/talking to people who know stuff! I thought it would be nice to share the correct pronunciation of some of the renowned brands that are frequently mispronounced!
Yves Saint Laurent - Eve Sane Laurennnn{t} (The 'T' in both saint and laurent is barely audible)
Christian Louboutin - Kris-ti-an Lu-bu-tahn or taa{ng} (with the sound of 'n' fading off in the end)
Louis Vuitton - Louie- Vwee-To{ng} (again, with the sound of 'n' fading off in the end)
Versace - Ver-sa-chee
Hermes - Er-mez
Givenchy - Jee-von-shee
Moschino - Mos-key-no
Proenza Schouler - Pro-en-zuh Skool-er
Jaeger - Yay-guhr
Marchesa - Mar-kay-sah
Christian Lacroix - Kris-ti-yaan Luh-qua
Jean Paul Gaultier - Zhon Paul Go-tee-ay
Tell me if you have been butchering any of the brand names?? (Do not feel bad- these names are more fun when pronounced as they are spelled!)
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