Thursday, January 19, 2012

On A Personal Note...

In the beginning of the year, I had created a motivational inspiration board and set up my blog goals to contribute and curate new ideas. I am glad to report that today I took a big step towards those goals when I officially became a contributor on Independent Fashion Bloggers (which is one of the largest networks of fashion bloggers and in my opinion is the BEST resource for fashion bloggers!) with my first ever guest post AND got featured on Glamour magazine's Slave To Fashion blog (On the same day!) I feel happy! I thank you all for the support, love and encouragement!

Read this article here

When Style Editor of Glamour emailed me saying she loved my DIY cape idea and will feature it on, I almost fainted! (But somehow managed to call my husband at work, in the middle of the meeting!)

Read this feature here

I hope 2012 will keep me inspired, motivated and ready to learn!

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