Monday, March 26, 2012

Mad Men Mania And 3 Ways To Wear A Button Down Shirt

So, long awaited Mad Men season 5 premiered last night! This series inspired the magazine coversfashion collaborations, girl crushes, boy men crushes and of course fashion bloggers! My twitter feed was clogged with #MadMen updates and live episode reporting! Just like the Fashion Week and film award season, airing of Mad Men generated a lot of twitter buzz! I am now anticipating a lot of vintage -inspired, Mad Men-ish looks on the blogs too! My style is conservative but contemporary, but not really vintage. Still I wanted to create a 60s inspired look and wanted to conclude my 'style a shirt 3 ways' challenge. So here it is, my favorite button down shirt worn under a classic color block shift. 
Inspiration - Mad Men; Pose - 'typical blogger'??
 Here are the three looks side by side
   Look 1                                                 Look 2                                   Look 3

Get a Pink Button Down Shirt Here-
Did you watch the season 5 premiere of Mad Men? And how did you like my styling of a button down shirt?
For daily dose of style delights, connect with me on
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I am linking up today on  Visible Monday and Monday Mingle, see you there!!

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