Monday, March 19, 2012

First Day Of Spring 2012! (Reflections From The Past, Plans For Future)

Today marks the first day of spring for the Northern Hemisphere! Spring brings the hopes of a beautiful season, warmer days and pleasanter evenings, bright colors, beautiful flowers with sweet fragrances (and spring break in Cancun too!) Last year this time, I had just started my blog, we were living in gorgeous Evanston (a suburb of Chicago) and planning our big move to New York. The Spring in Chicago is so beautiful and I will miss seeing the gorgeous Lake Michigan and the colorful sailboats in the summer! Here are some pictures from last spring!

This year in spring, my blog is one year old and I have built some really sweet relationships, have had meaningful conversations and during the process, learned so much about myself!! Hopefully this journey will continue and next Spring I will have more sweet memories from this year to share!
Meanwhile, there are few things I am coveting, (list in another post)- among them, a perfect Maxi Dress! There is something about a floral, flowy, feminine maxi dress that makes you feel gorgeous!! Take a gander at this beauty  - it comes with the four digit price! But hey! Spring is meant to dream, isn't it!!
Giambattista Valli maxi dress
Looking forward to Summer 2012 - in this Ann Taylor maxi dress!! Isn't life beautiful??
Image Via Ann Taylor Inc
And this spring season, I plan to -
  • Enjoy the New York City in its Spring glory {whatever THAT is:-)}
  • Try to ride the bike with my daughter every day
  • Wear (more) color
  • Write every day
  • Attend at least one big fashion/style/blogging event in NYC
  • Just have fun and live in the moment

I leave you with a Spring Haiku by Kobayashi Issa -
Spring breeze-
the pine on the ridge
whispers it

Have a happy Spring everyone! What are your plans this season?
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