Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weekend Inspiration - Watercolors & Floral Accessories

Life has been busy lately. (I can hear your snicker!! à la join the club lady!). But really, updating the blog, finishing household chores, spring cleaning the closet, and arranging playdates for the little one suddenly left me out of steam! {Sara Jessica Parker - I will tell you how we do it!} The rushed lifestyle occasionally needs a breather, as they say - stop and smell the flowers!! So today on a cheery afternoon, I decided to take a rejuvenating journey on my computer. Just browsed through pictures of flowers! Yes, I just looked at the lavender flower fields, watercolor paintings and pastel prints! And I have to say, the riot of colors and cheerful flowers lifted my spirits and inspired me for today's blog post!! 

And keeping up with the "share your happy thoughts" philosophy, I picked up some of my favorite mood-enhancing watercolor inspired pieces for you! These accessories will bring a smile on your face and inspire you to take a step back and just enjoy the beauty that surrounds us!

Clutch The Flower Power
Get the floral clutches here -

The Painted Shoe
Get the floral shoes here -

Tied Up In Florals

Get the floral scarves here - 

What is your weekend inspiration? Keep me posted!
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