Monday, February 13, 2012

5 Things To Do This Valentine's Day (Besides The Obvious!)

Roses, champagne, chocolate and candle lit dinner -as romantic as it all sounds- for Valentine-Day celebration, the cliches sometimes get boring! (And hectic too - try booking a table in a good restaurant for Feb 14th!) So if you want to get out of the obvious zone and do something fun and romantic, try these 5 ideas!

1. Go for an outdoor adventure
Photo Credit : Edelweiss Gurgl
 Beauty of the nature combined with the "happy hormones' (like Serotonin and Dopamine) you get from the physical exercise let the joyous mood going!  One of the best V-day memories I have is from a beautiful kike in Sawtooth Lake in Idaho (Yes,I lived there too, and loved every minute of it in the potato land!) And I will remember that adventure forever - chocolate dipped strawberries are already fading from the memory!

2. Cook a meal together
Photo Credit :
As I said, getting a table (unless you are willing to go for dinner at 3:30 PM) is not easy on V-day. Why not put some music, chop and slice and try to create a beautiful meal! And if you burn the house down, there is always the take out!

3. If you have kids, watch their early videos as a family
And see how your love grew and blossomed. After all valentine day is the celebration of love and your kids are the ultimate, everyday celebration of your love!

4. Have a picnic
Still from 'To Catch A Thief'
A checkered blanket, a wicker basket, fried chicken, crisp apples and you and your sweetheart lazing under a tree - do you need more visuals?? And ladies, you still can dress up - remember Grace Kelly in To Catch A Thief - eating chicken in  pretty pink and perfect coiffure!

5. Go for a stand up comedy show 
Laughter brings the hearts closer! The couple that laughs together stays together!
Image Credit : Happy Hearts Fund

I believe that love should be celebrated every day but its good to have February 14th to make special memories! Do you have a special thing planned for this Valentine's day? 
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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