Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fraud Alert: Beware of, It Is A Scam/Fake Retailer

Today's post is a PSA for all my fellow bloggers who work with online retailers and for all my readers who buy clothes and accessories online. As you all know, I work with brands and retailers on a regular basis. I love to find new stores and stylish stuff and love to share them on Style Delights. Therefore when I got an opportunity to introduce an online retailer to my readers, I accepted it. Their website looked professional, their merchandise looked beautiful and my preliminary research about them showed that some pretty established blogs also have worked with them. So I decided to host a giveaway for them on my blog - afterall, who doesn't like their readers to win giftcards? As with all my giveaways, when a winner was chosen by (in this case a lovely reader Lorna), I contacted the representative who had been emailing me to check that Lorna met all the requirements (that she liked their FB page etc). They did not reply. I contacted Lorna and told her that I am waiting to hear from them. We both waited for few more days. I contacted them thru all their social media channels and contact forms, but surprise - no reply! Then I contacted the bloggers who have worked with and found out are less than stellar in terms of their professionalism. When I sent them a message saying I'll let my readers know about them, they sent me a shirt to style! This shirt is one of the shoddiest pieces of workmanship I have ever seen! Its ill fitting, ill-sewn and just plain un-wearable.
The buttons and the panels of the shirt are not aligned, the sleeves are asymmetrical - not for the style though! 
So I dug deep and found out that there have been incidents where they took the customer's money and did not even ship the merchandise. They are supposed to be registered somewhere in China (at one place they have listed their city as Shanghai and their state ALASKA! - You can't make this sh*t up!!) They have a US number listed which is of course not responding. The funny thing is, their Pinterest profile says they are located in USA which is a total lie. I have nothing against them personally, but as a blogger I feel it is my duty to alert you. If you are a blogger reading this, I hope you spread the word on your social media/blogs too so that your readers and friends do not lose their money by shopping at
BTW, here are their fake social media profiles - if you like them, please unlike/unfollow so that you don't accidentally advertise them to your friends and followers.
Reecn Facebook (Fakebook, more like!)
Reecn Twitter (lying birdie!)
So please beware of this online retailer, and share about their scam to your friends.If you are a blogger, share it with your readers too! During my research about, I came across some other fraudulent and unprofessional retailer via some other consumer alert websites. Here is a list of some more fake retailers who are trying to work with bloggers to gain trust among their readers.

As always, Style Delights vows to keep the readers informed and the reviews honest! Till we talk again!!

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